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Research Interests

| Theme I: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering

From the ground motion to the dynamic properties of geomaterial, from theoretical model to laboratory testing, we have deep interest in a range of problems in soil dynamics and earthquake engineering. 


Wei, X. and Yang, J. (2019). Cyclic behavior and liquefaction resistance of silty sands with presence of initial static shear stress. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 122, 274-289. (PDF

Yang, J. and Liu, X. (2016). Shear wave velocity and stiffness of sand: the role of non-plastic fines. Géotechnique, 66(6), 500-514.(PDF​) 

Sze, H.Y. and Yang, J. (2014). Failure modes of sand in undrained cyclic loading: Impact of sample preparation. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, 140(1), 152-169. (PDF​) 

Yang, J. and Yan, X.R. (2009a). Site response to multi-directional earthquake loading: A practical procedure. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 29, 710-721. (PDF​) 

Yang, J., Li, J.B. and Lin, G. (2006). A simple approach to integration of acceleration data for dynamic soil-structure interaction analysis. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 26(8), 725-734. (PDF​) 

soil dynamics

| Theme II: Mechanical Behaviours of Geomaterials


Laboratory test

We have set up advanced laboratory testing apparatus for mechanical behaviors at different strain levels subjected to various loading conditions.


Micro-scale measurement

We also evaluate the granular materials at across scales including gradation, particle shape, and surface roughness.  


Numerical simulation

Besides the physical tests, we also have quite advanced numerical code to seek for the mechanisms behind. 

Yang, J. and Luo, X.D. (2018). The critical state friction angle of granular materials: does it depend on grading. Acta Geotechnica, 13(3), 535-547.(PDF​) 

Yang, J. and Luo, X.D. (2015). Exploring the relationship between critical state and particle shape for granular materials. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 84, 196-213. (PDF​) 

Yang, J. and Gu, X.Q. (2013). Shear stiffness of granular material at small strains: does it depend on grain size? Géotechnique, 63(2), 165-179. (PDF​) 

Yang, J. and Wei, L.M. (2012). Collapse of loose sand with the addition of fines: the role of particle shape. Géotechnique, 62(12), 1111-1125. (PDF​) 

Yang, Z.X., Li, X.S. and Yang, J. (2008). Quantifying and modelling fabric anisotropy of granular soils. Géotechnique, 58(4), 237-248. (PDF​) 

| Theme III: Offshore and Onshore Foundation Systems

We are also interested in offshore and onshore foundation systems. Continuous efforts have been done to develop more sustainable, safer, and cost-effective solutions. 


Ma, H.W., Yang, J. and Chen, L.Z. (2017). Numerical analysis of the long-term performance of offshore wind turbines supported by monopiles. Ocean Engineering, 136, 94-105. (PDF​) 

Yu, F. and Yang, J. (2012). Base capacity of open-ended steel pipe piles in sand. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, 138(9), 1116-1128. (PDF)

Yu, F. and Yang, J. (2012). Improved evaluation of interface friction on steel pipe pile in sand. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCE, 26(2), 170-179. (PDF​) 

Yang, J. (2006). Influence zone for end bearing of piles in sand. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, 132(9), 1229-1237. (PDF​) 

Yang, J., Tham, L.G., Lee, P.K.K., Chan, S.T. and Yu, F. (2006). Behaviour of jacked and driven piles in sandy soil. Géotechnique, 56(4), 245-259. (PDF​) 

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